Whirling is often the very first dance gesture of the human being, from early childhood, accompanying the first steps. In many cultures and spiritualities in the four corners of the planet, we find the essential figure of the circle, and of the whirling body. Reminiscence of cosmic movement, organic inner rhythm, heartbeat and blood circulation…

In the 12th century the thinker, theologian, mystic and above all poet Djalâl-od-dîn Rumî intuitively and naturally places the rotating movement at the heart of his spiritual expression; it will be ritualized by his successors and descendants of the Mevlevi Sufi Tariqa in the form of Semâ, “spiritual hearing”: it is the dance of the whirling dervishes.

Alexia Traore has been practicing spinning dance, on stage and in spiritual contexts, for over 20 years.

She is one of the first French choreographers to integrate staged forms of this dance at the heart of numerous creations: Chanson du Mal Aimé (2004), Awadi (2005-2009) Siraab (2013-2015), Wissal (2016-2019) , Noor (2017-2019) My body remembers (2021-2023)

As whirling dervish, she accompanies the spiritual music ensemble Dervish Spirit during numerous concerts and festivals: Institut des Cultures d’Islam, Grand Mawlid de Paris (France) Festival des Nomades (Morocco)

She transmits this danced expression of spirituality and the quest for Truth within the framework of workshops open to all audiences, in a spirit of sharing and kindness.

« Your fullness taught me Love

Your beauty taught me verses and ghazals

Your image dances on the veil of my heart »

Djalâl-od-dîn Rumî